Book of Memories for John Henry Russo Book of Memories for John Henry Russo Recent updates for the Book of Memories Frontrunner Professional Book of Memories V4 en-gb Condolence From s. ukenta Condolences Wed, 09 Apr 2014 17:06:30 EDT Story shared: Memories of our "Stony Hill Mayor" I can't remember a day when I didn't see John.  If I was leaving for school, to run errands, or out for fun, there he was. Walking. Cold or warm he was there. Bundled up or just in a t-shirt and jeans. There he was. Often he was accompanied by one or two other walkers. Laughing, sharing stories or just walking.  I could always count on one thing everyday. John.  He would come and take a look at my garden offering kind words and letting me know where to get the best bargain on the prettiest of flowers.  I always knew when summer came that John would steer me to the "best" tomato vendor at the farmers market.  He raved about the quiche lady and to honor him, I will finally try one.  I will miss our Stony Hill Mayor.

Shared Photos Tue, 08 Apr 2014 17:43:31 EDT
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Shared Photos Mon, 07 Apr 2014 15:56:17 EDT